Saturday, September 11, 2010

Do you remember when.....?

I'm from New York but was living in Michigan at the time.  Several days before it was my birthday so I had heard from my family members (all in New York suburbs and the NYC area) and their plans for that week.  I worked in a hospital and the news of the attack came in shortly after we had all settled in at our desk in front of our computer for the morning.  

The first time the towers were attacked my best friends husband was working in the building and escaped unharmed.  This next time, nine years ago, I didn't know anyone personally who was harmed physically but hundreds that we scarred emotionally and felt vulnerable.   As the second plane hit and we helplessly looked at the waiting room t.v I feared New York was under attack.  Then reports of evacuations of skyscrapers and government buildings all over the country, everyone began to feel we weren't safe anywhere.

I couldn't get through to any of my family members for hours.  The fear of knowing some of my relatives work and go to school in the area and then not knowing if they were okay was debilitating.  
I'm back in New York now and closer to my family than ever.  I don't know if it was that day or the fact I'm getting old but I value their importance in my life and try to reach out to them so they know I care whenever possible.  Life is busy....but get busy strengthening the relationships that count.

This post isn't to spute any political/religious agenda or the differences or similarities we have with those who attacked America or our reasons for being at war nine years later.   I wish for peace all around the world.  "There is no medicine for hatred" - Publius Syrus

Where were you this day 9 years ago and how did it effect you?  

1 comment:

Debs102 said...

What a good blog post - I was 15 and came home from school here in Wales and was shocked. Even though I wasn't in the US it affected people all around the world. Debs